40+ Years of Experience | Family Owned & Operated
New Construction and Pre-Drywall Inspections
Building a new home and need an inspector on YOUR side during the process?
Our inspectors at Shelton Home Inspections have the expertise and the trained eye to evaluate even the newest of construction. Buyers have elected to hire us to inspect their new homes either Pre-Drywall and/or upon completion. Our inspectors will verify the structural integrity of the home, internal plumbing and electrical installation, HVAC systems and duct work, roof system, roof-to-wall connections, framing, exterior grading, and more. We not only evaluate these components for their current condition, but we can often identify future problems that could occur based on the installation of these components.

Even if we don’t inspect your home Pre-Drywall, you can still obtain the benefits of our services with a Full Home Inspection prior to occupancy OR at least within your one-year warranty.
New construction warranties are typically 1 year from the Certification of Occupancy (CO) date while in the past it used to be much longer. If you have your inspection completed within the 1st year of occupancy, you can go back to your builder for any corrections or repairs. Full Home Inspections include all the same components after dry wall, but also includes features such as appliances, doors, windows, fixtures, outlets, walls, flooring, sprinkler systems, rodent entry points, sewer scoping, balcony and railings, pool and equipment, the list is quite extensive.
Even though the “the city inspector signed off throughout the building process”, doesn’t mean it’s to our home inspection standards. Our home inspectors have a unique skill-set and perform an in-depth inspection so you can live in your new home with peace-of-mind.